Train tickets within Switzerland

After your arrival in Switzerland you will take a train to reach the venue. The exact name of the train station in Leysin is: LEYSIN-FEYDEY. You will have to book a train connection till there. Here are some useful information and details how to do that as soon as possible in order to pay the lowest possible rate for the trains.

Be aware that you will have to change trains several times, because there is no direct line to this small village in the mountains where we are accommodated. But don't worry, Swiss railways are pretty much well organized and punctual, so you should not have any problems with delays or cancellations. Here is the map with the most common changing points where you need to step in another train:

Remember, the regular prices of the train tickets could be even 70% higher than the options that we suggest here. These are the regular prices for the train tickets which are valid during the whole day when you buy it. You can use any connection going in the designated direction of your ticket. Even if you miss one train connection, you can wait for the next one and the ticket will still be valid until you reach Leysin-Feydey. You can buy the tickets ONLINE. Or you can buy the ticket once you land on the airport. The price will be the same.

Regular train prices:

PRICE one way
PRICE return
DURATION one way
Geneva airport
CHF 49 / EUR 46
CHF 98 / EUR 92
2 hours
Basel EuroAirport
CHF 90 / EUR 84
CHF 180 / EUR 170
4 hours
Zurich Airport
CHF 98 / EUR 91
CHF 196 / EUR 182
4 hours


However, we do not advise you to take the regular trains, but to book much cheaper tickets online before you arrive, which are called SUPERSAVER TICKETS!

These tickets can be booked online two months before traveling.
It is important to know that there are limited number of tickets of this kind. Therefore, you should book the tickets as soon as possible for the arrival day on 20 August 2018 and also for going back from Leysin-Feydey to the airport on 29 August 2018.

Even more important: these tickets are different from the regular ones. Namely, the Supersaver tickets are valid ONLY for the designated times written on the ticket. This means that you will have to travel according the route stated on the ticket. You cannot take any other connections in different time than the one stated there. So please pay attention to this important information and the schedule of your train connections. When booking your tickets, take into consideration the time needed to pass through passport control, take your luggage and reach the platform (approximately 40 minutes).

After you book your train tickets online you will get them as pdf files. Please send the tickets as pdf files to Ena via email and for yourself you have them printed. (there is a option to get the tickets on your mobile phone if you like as well).

Arrival at the hotel

Room Check-in starts at 15:00h.

As we mentioned before, you have to be at the hotel latest till 18:00 o'clock.
You will arrive on the train station in Leysin-Feydey and from there you just have 5 to 7 minutes walk till the hotel as shown on the map:

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the nice cozy hotel in Leysin.


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