Who can take part in this training course?
To take part in this training course you have to fulfill the following criteria:- to be a youth worker or volunteer who is actively involved in the work of a youth organisation and who is still beginner
in leading groups and facilitating group processes; - who will be responsible for or involved in conducting workshops and group work activities in the organisation after this training course;
- has to be well informed about the organisation's activities and is able to present its work to the other participants;
- has basic understanding of youth work principles and values;
- be able to communicate in English;
- has to be permanent resident of one of these countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland or United Kingdom;
- has to be committed to attend the full duration of the training course;
- must be supported by an organisation before, during and after the training course;
- to be above 18 years of age.
- a strong commitment to young people and an understanding of the factors affecting their lives;
- the ability to provide reliable support to young people in times of stress and act with integrity;
- excellent interpersonal skills, with the ability to establish good relationships with young people;
- patience, tolerance and flexibility in terms of cultural diversity;
- a sense of adventure and a willingness to try new things;
- the ability to treat young people's concerns with respect, tact and sensitivity, while being aware of the limits that are required by confidentiality and the boundaries that govern the youth/youth worker relationship;
- a great deal of resilience.
If you want to apply for this training course, write an email to Stev - and you will get more information together with the application form.

Partner Organisations
In this project, together with Subkult, there are 12 other partner organisations involved from 12 different countries:- Association for Education MLADIINFO (Austria)
- Be International (Czech Republic)
- Youth Association Droni (Georgia)
- Loesje e.V. (Germany)
- ELIX - Conservation Volunteers Greece (Greece)
- Eduactive Società Cooperativa (Italy)
- Society for educational development and international student exchange EDUAKTIV Skopje (Macedonia)
- Palavras Infinitas - Núcleo de Inclusão, Comunicação e Media (Portugal)
- Ulyanovsk Club of international Friendship (Russia)
- Udruženje EmPower (Serbia)
- Asociación Gantalcalá (Spain)
- OpportUNITY GLOBAL (United Kingdom)
The partner organisations from each country will full offer support for each participant who is taking active part in this training course before, during and after the activity. It is expected from each participant and partner organisation to transfer the knowledge back to their home countries together with their colleagues and peers. For successful dissemination of the results, everyone will be engaged in the follow up activities after everyone leaves Leysin.
Each participants will get a verification of his/her participation in a form of a certificate that will be granted at the end of the training course, after successful completion of the course.
Each participants will get a verification of his/her participation in a form of a certificate that will be granted at the end of the training course, after successful completion of the course.
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