Day 4 Update on #youthification - 24 Aug 2018

Mornings always start slowly in the quiet space where everyone is taking some time to prepare him/herself for the day by using the reflection diary. Right after that, today we started with brief presentation about the relevance of Learning Experience Design in Youth Work. So, what we did is in small teams of 4 or 5 we were invited to design a common learning space that will hold different “corners”. Each corner developed by one of the groups. 

This design process was done step-by-step:

Step 1: The topic was randomly chosen: human rights. Once the topic was chosen each group could separately brainstorm subtopics within that main issue (eg: small aspects that can be explored when learning about human rights such as: freedom of speech, torture, laws, conventions, etc.). The brainstorm of each group was recorded in a piece of paper.
Step 2: After choosing the main topic out of list of topics and exploring possible sub topics, we determined the type of the space to be a restaurant. Then we brainstormed about characteristics of that restaurant always taking into account that we are including youth work in this context and think really out of the box. 
Step 3: This is the stage when we got indications of what the restaurant that we are designing should stimulate (eg. a space to debate, a space to reflect, a space to find new information, etc.) Having all these information, we started building this learning space in the form of a restaurant. We created 3D structures which were representing our ideas that we came up with during the brainstorming process. 
Step 4: Once we were done with our nice colorful restaurants, we came all back together in plenary and presented to the rest of the group, one by one in short 120 seconds presentations. 

We all work in different organizations and in different type of physical spaces. As facilitators, we should always create safe learning environment in a space that will stimulate even greater learning. We became aware how the space could affect our learning and how can we use this method of designing our everyday learning space in order to support young people in their personal and professional development.

After the lunch break, we engaged in a new activity that was emphasizing the roles in a group that we meet almost every time we work with groups of young people. First in small groups we had to discuss the roles from the list and identify our own behaviours in this group here on the training course, in other groups that we were joining and also behaviours that we have found most challenging for us so far. The outcome that we got, 4 roles that we most identify with and 4 others that we find challenging, were presented on piece of paper as pictograms and then stuck on the wall.

At the end of the day, for the competence framework concept, we used the method of photography. Through photography we presented our competences that we feel most comfortable with and the ones that we find challenging and we need to keep improving. This led to the last part of today, coming back to our learning boards and spilling on the paper all the notes, learning points collected during this intensive day. From tomorrow, we are starting with the preparations for the practical part of this training course, when we are going to act as facilitators and conduct workshops. All of us even now are excited about that. So let’s see how it will develop.


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